Email allows you to send email payslips to Nurses and invoices to Hospitals, as well as general emails to Nurses, Hospitals, Patients and other parties.
Venus will validate email addresses when they are recorded and will advise if the email address does not pass the validation process.
You can email from any screen with an email address, by clicking on the email address.
When sending Bulk emails, Venus will advise which email addresses are not valid, if any.
Email Set-up
Data Entry > Email Values and
Email > Email Configuration
Step 1
You may need to consult your infrastruture consultant to help set-up your email in Venus.
- Data Entry > Email Values
- SMTP Server – Refer to infrastructure consultant.
- SMTP Authentification – True or False depending on if your SMTP Server needs authentification, refer to infrastructure consultant.
- SMTP User ID – If SMTP Authentification is True, this will need to be completed.
- SMTP Password – If SMPT Authentification is True this will need to be completed
- Bulk Email Delay – Insert the number of seconds delay between ech email to be sent. The delay between each email will ensure internet providers do not mistakenly identifiy your email as spam, and restrict your access.
- Notify Success Fail Delay – True or False. If set to True ensure all servers DNS cater for this option.
Step 2
Email configuration is set-up for each user.
- Email > Email Configuration
- Email Address – record the email address for each Venus User
- Select “Use custom signature block” to auto insert the sender’s name and any standard text required to be included in your emails.
- The Sever Settings fields are populated from Data Entry > Email Values.
Sending an Email
To send an email to a Hospital, Nurse or Patient they must have an “Email” contact type recorded in their contact tab.
There are two ways to send an email –
- Hospital, Nurse or Patient Email tabs and
- Email Manager
Email Tabs
You can email Hospitals, Nurses and Patients from their Email tabs. If more than one email address has been recorded for the recipient, delete those not required. Complete the email and add attachments.
When the email is sent a copy is -
- Retained on the Email tab,
- Duplicated on Email > Email Manager and
- Sent to the Users email account.
New Email
Email > New Email
Emails can be sent to recipients not included in the Venus database by typing their email address in the “To” section.
Emails can be sent to a selection of Hospital, Nurses or patients in the Venus database. When you select “To” all Hospital, Nurses and Patients email address are listed. Tick the recipients for the email. Type the email text, add attachments and send.
Email Manager
Email > Email Manager
Filter displayed email by User name, and date range. This can be useful when deleting old emails.
Delete emails by ticking the email to be deleted and then select the “Delete Selected” option.
Sort emails with the “Sort” option. The screen has two sections –
- Columns Available for Sorting
- Sort Columns
To add a column to the sort criteria list –
- Place the mouse over the column name
- Drag and drop to the Sort Column section in the order you want the list of Emails sorted
- Tick the box to sort list in Ascending order or
- Untick the box to sort the list in Descending order.
Delete emails by ticking the email to be deleted and then select the “Delete Selected” option.
Send an email by selecting “New Email”.
Email Rosters
Roster details can be emailed to a Nurse by selecting “Email” on the Edit Roster screen.
Shift details are automatically included in the email and additional text can be added. A copy of the email is retained on the Email Manager.
Email Nurse Payslips
To email payslips to a Nurse an email address must be recorded on the Personal Details tab > Banking section and the “Email Payslips” box ticked.
You can email Payslips at the end of the Payroll generation process, or you can email them later from the Accounts > Display Generated Payslips.
From the Accounts > Display Generated Payslips screen use the Filters to select the account periods and or Nurse. Select the “Email” option and a list of payslips to be emailed are displayed.
The payslips can be sent in bulk with a generic message by selecting “Email in Bulk”. The email addresses are inserted for all selected Nurses and the payslips will be attached to the appropriate email. A message can be typed if required.
Alternatively, each payslip can be sent separately by selecting “Email One by One”. An email screen for each recipient will be displayed so that individualised messages can be sent.
Email Hospital Invoices
To email invoices to a Hospital an email address must be recorded in Hospital > Invoice Details > Invoice Email.
You can email Invoices at the end of the Invoice generation process or you can email then later from Accounts > Display Generated Invoices.
From the Accounts > Display Generated Invoices screen use the Filters to select the required account periods or Hospital. Select the “Email” option and a list of invoices to be emailed are displayed.
The invoices can be sent in bulk with a common message by selecting “Email in Bulk”. All the hospital email addresses are inserted and the invoices are attached to the appropriate email only. A message can be typed if required.
Alternatively, each invoice can be sent separately by selecting “Email One by One”. An email screen for each recipient will be displayed so that individualised messages can be sent.
All emailed payslips and invoices can be viewed in the Email Manager – Email History.
Email Shift Details from Roster
Shifts > Rosters
Shifts > Shift Request & Rosters
Shift details can be emailed to a Nurse from the roster screen using “Email Nurse”.
Shift Details can be emailed to the Hospital using “Email Hospital”.
“Nurses on Q” email format - There is a specific email format used for Hospitals who are flagged as a “Nurses on Q” on the Hospital Details tab.
“Nurses on Q” - Email Roster Details
This option will only affect QLD facilities.
Nurse on Q acts on behalf of Queensland Health and coordinates shifts to be filled by Agency nurses.
There is an option to email “Nurses on Q” from the Roster Screen and Shift Request & Roster Screen. There is a specific format for Nurses on Q hospitals.
Setting Up Nurses on Q
Data Entry > Nurse & Hospital Set up
- Nurse on Q - Yes
- Nurse on Q Email Address – record the email address supplied by Nurse on Q for emails confirming rostered nurses.
Hospital > Hospital Details
Select the Nurses on Q indicator.